Healthy Hobbyist Discount

The Game Shelf is pleased to announce the creation of its new discount program – the Healthy Hobbyist. This is your opportunity to earn a store discount while improving your health.
Here’s how the program works:
1) Stop by to weigh in. The session is private in the office and we’re not keeping a digital record for someone to hack later. We’re also not sharing your information with anyone unless you provide specific permission.
2) Keep weighing in each month. Your discount continues as long as you continue to participate in the program. We’ll keep your discount for 2 months without a check-in, then you have to start over.
3) Your discount depends on what percentage of your original weight you have lost. Here are the options:
  • Lose 5% overall, earn 5% discount
  • Lose 10% overall, earn 10% discount
  • Lose 20% overall, earn 15% discount
  • Lose 30% or more overall, earn 20% discount!
You and one other person you live with can share this program and work together to improve your discounts.
Discounts will only change once per month.
Discounts cannot be combined with other sales or discount programs and does not apply to event fees.
We look forward to joining you on this journey!!!